
Duolingo classroom
Duolingo classroom

duolingo classroom

They can work on their scores and achievements in the app while also getting to relax and not worry about their participation for the day. I think duolingo can be used in class as a fun yet educational break if students are struggling to keep up with conversation that day. However, some days students may not want to talk due to stress, fatigue, etc. You can also add friends and compare scores for the week, which can also motivate students to have the highest score in their class! In every language class, it is important that students constantly communicate in the target language. We are excited to help you enrich students’ language learning experience with our free software. This can help motivate students to keep their streak and to do at least one quick lesson a day to keep their streak. Welcome to our professional development page Below, you’ll find resources to support you in using Duolingo with your students, as well as resources that will allow you to train others to use Duolingo for Schools. I really like how they also have a "streak" in duolingo, which tracts how many days in a row you have completed a language lesson.

duolingo classroom

I use duolingo myself, and I find it a fun activity to do when I want a break from social media.

duolingo classroom

Students can use their cell phones, smart devices, or computers to access duolingo, and can even do more lessons on their free time. As a teaching tool, I think duolingo is a fun homework assignment.

Duolingo classroom